The State of Being

What is it to let go. To just be. To be authentically you. Without the layers of clothes, cars, and jewelry masked over self, the friends, family members, or spouses. Or the Id or ego. But the state of being. Being who you really are. Living in the present moment. Constantly letting go and rising above the current. Flowing with the waves and melodically surfing the waters of life. Coming into a more profound version of yourself. Transforming to a deeper awareness of self. Without any constraints or fears holding you back.

By living in the now of who we are. We can go moment to moment in this current state of awareness of the conscious mind. By surrendering to self. It allows us to let go of predisposed inclinations of expectations of what we thought, or what other people thought.

In the here and now, anything is possible. Our thoughts create our narratives. The known feels familiar and safe, but nothing thrives in comfortability. Go beyond yourself. The only mountain that you will ever face is the mountain you create. Get over yourself and your mental stipulations and go beyond anything you can dream of or imagine for yourself. Believe you can be, and you will—a mental transformation of realizing that we are the sum total of our thoughts. So, think of great ideas and fill your thoughts with what things imagined of what you want you to come into fruition in your life. All we have is right NOW. That’s the most real thing in the current, the NOW. After all, the past is gone forever, and no one holds the key to tomorrow. Make the most of today’s gift and give it your best offering.

In the state of being, you find the spirit; some call it God or the universe that lies in each of us. The spirit, the little voice, the nucleus for your being that gives you reason, purpose, and a calling. Listen, it will speak to you. Only when you quiet the noise and come into an isolated state can you hear the consciousness speaking to you, guiding you on the roadmap of life. And if you pay close attention, you will see the wonder-working power of the spirit moving in your life. Recall all the times something could have seriously harmed you or gone tragically array, but something was there to hold you from the potential danger. Something that you cannot fully put into words because it’s indescribable. But you know that something in the universe is looking out for you.

It happens when you surrender completely.Surrendering to self is a battlefield. It’s a daily offering. It’s a mental, spiritual plight that is constantly tested. Do the shadow work and use it to balance your conscious and egoic state of mind. The center is the seat of Self. A song comes to mind when I think of this concept. “Jesus, you are the Center of my Joy’. Whatever your center is, that is what will balance you in the inner and outer world.

Be Open. The key is keeping the heart open. When people cause harm to us in some way, rise above it. Release it at that moment. Otherwise, it will become repressed ad come haunting you back, and when something someone else says or an event trigger this repressed feeling, you’re right back in that moment of hurt, no longer in the present. That’s what surrendering is about—constantly releasing yourself, people, things, and places. Letting go of those silken cords of affection that tug at our heartstrings that we know deep inside does not serve us.  Let it all go. Release and relax. In that release, you will find a great blessing waiting for you around the corner. And forgive, for they truly know not what they do.

As Dr. Maya Angelou’s poem reads, Still, I rise. Be like air and rise. ‘They may trod you in the dirt with their bitter twisted lies, cut you with their words, kill you with their hatefulness, but just like certainty of tides, I will rise’. When you rise above it, it cannot touch you or affect you. You begin to understand they are operating in their nonconscious state of mind. They are not in in the present moment. Be aware and act accordingly. The truth is that whatever someone is doing or saying whether it be good or bad is a mere reflection of them.

So, ponder on what your character is reflecting, attracting. What is the mirror saying about your character? Do you like what it says? More so, what if the words you spoke held the key to our life? If the words you spoke, good or bad, created your story, what would you say? What would you write for your script of life? What would you narrate? In fact, you do hold this power. You hold the pen to create a masterful story full of love, thrill, joy, happiness, laughter, and whatever your heart desires.


Zest of Life: Lemons & Limes!


Seeing Green